TAISE Hosts the 3rd "2024 SDG Asia" Calling for Nationwide Sustainable Action

Aug. 09 2024

TAISE Hosts the 3rd "2024 SDG Asia" Calling for Nationwide Sustainable Action


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The 3rd "2024 SDG Asia", organized by the Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy (TAISE), is taking place from August 8 to 10 at the Taipei World Trade Center. This event will bring together 151 organizations from 12 countries and regions, including Taiwan. SDG Asia is co-guided by the Executive Yuan's National Council for Sustainable Development and the Alliance for Sustainable Development Goals (A‧SDGs). Eugene Chien, President and Board Chairman of TAISE, emphasized that global temperatures are reaching new highs, and with only 6 years left until the 2030 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement, global efforts are urgently needed. He also highlighted the government's proactive policies and legislation, showcasing its commitment to sustainable development.

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Eugene Chien, President and Board Chairman of TAISE

This year, the exhibitors include 6 allied nations: Belize, Guatemala, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Tuvalu, Haiti, and Saint Lucia, alongside 28 countries and regions, including Taiwan, participating in exhibitions, awards, summits, and forums. Kitakyushu City's Deputy Mayor, Chikako Oba, led a delegation to Taiwan to receive the "2024 Livable and Sustainable City Award" and attend the Sustainable City Summit.. Additionally, Taichung City and Taipei City retained the honor of "Outstanding City" this year, while Pingtung County was awarded "Excellence City." TAISE also co-hosted a forum with the Israel Economic and Trade Office in Taipei, connecting with Israeli startups to explore sustainable energy and waste-to-resource transformation opportunities.

The event features over 50 companies, 35 universities, and 28 non-profit organizations (NGOs) showcasing their achievements in sustainable goals. The "2024 Asia-Pacific Sustainability Awards" attracted numerous entries, with 111 projects and 370 outstanding initiatives selected. Moreover, individual awards such as the "Asia-Pacific Top Sustainability Leader" and the "Taiwan Outstanding Sustainability Youth Award" garnered significant attention.

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